(Yes, I know it's trite to quote Beastie Boys in this context, but the song gets stuck in my head every time I look at these boxes, so what are you going to do about it?)
Craft supply boxes. If the idea for this project didn't come from the need to organize and cull decades of arts-and-crafts supplies, well... it should have. Let's see how many of these craft boxes I can tackle today.
a stack
and a pile
First, let it be known that all four silkscreens are now in the same place. This has been the subject of some debate over the years, and it is now settled.
all in one place, now
I can tell from the get-go that some division is in order here. Sub-categories of craftiness, from sewing and string to pre-packaged projects to really useful tools with whereabouts previously unknown.
The pile becomes smaller piles:
old paint
paint brushes
"rubber stamp goodness"
And here I am again, asking myself the same questions I ask every time I get knee-deep into some subset of boxness: Do I need this stuff? Is it worth saving? Will I ever use it? Could someone else put it to better use?
I don't have the answers; perhaps I will once I investigate the contents of these eight (eight?!?) boxes.