A short day here at the box blog project headquarters, as I'm feeling under the weather and have many non-box tasks to complete before the Tupperware party on Wednesday (yes, that is the impetus behind this insanity, and please shut up now). All today's goals were living room-related, and have since been accomplished:
- Put yesterday's boxes of Tupperware in blue room closet
- Move yesterday's boxes of books to corner of blue room
- Pack rogue Christmas decorations and tree stands
- Consolidate empty milkcrates and non-cardboard containers in one place
- Consolidate suitcases and purses in one place
- Move card table into blue room
- Break down empty boxes
Of course, The Sister has already pilfered two of these boxes and I'm worried I won't have enough. Enough for what, I don't know, but she walked by taunting "I'm surprised you got rid of so many." Have I been too hasty? If we had packing tape, I'd probably be outside right now, rebuilding boxes and freaking out over where I'm going to put them. But no. This project is about "ruthlessly disposing of the unnecessary." Or something.
With all the preliminary box-jockeying out of the way (most of my stuff is now here, in the blue room, with me), I can start on the real meat of the project. I think tomorrow I may begin The Bookshelf.
Would you believe that I've seen nary a box-dwelling spider yet?
did you ask if you could post proof of my compulsive lying problem? cause i can't imagine i'd say no. but that day was seezy.
That day was WHAT now?
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