Today, the first injury of The Box Blog Project:
What, you can't see it?
so ouchy!
Thank you so much for your concern. I'm pretty sure I'll live.
Truthfully, I was pretty excited about this step of Sub-Project: Papers, even though it's not very interesting. Going through the old file box and matching the new piles with the old files and then shred-shred-shredding tons of junk is a big part of what this project is about. See how excited I am:
woo! no really, woo!
There's probably only one more day left of this particular Sub-Project. Here's what I discovered today:
- All the original Ladies in the Park paperwork, which Jess requested for reference a few months ago. Hey Jess, I put them in an envelope with your other envelope and your microscope.
- My Honorable Discharge certificate from the USAF.
- Another PS2 manual? What the hell? Didn't I just find one of these yesterday?
- Rory's UNR graduation announcement. I love that I saved the announcement even though I didn't attend the ceremony.
- Printouts of emails from two of my favorite writer friends, Andy Dicus and Mark Bassett. Mark has been missing from me for five years now. I wonder where he went.
- A coupon for FREE BEER from the Sparky's Carson City opening. I am kicking myself for not using this, trust me:
- A thank you note from Ean and Reba of Tales from the Birdbath.
- The "Dad" recipes: sausage rice bake, tomato mozzarella salad, marinated mushrooms, and the tortoni I made for the culture fair in grade school.
- This:
- Day planners from 2002, 2003, and 2005. I was planning to toss these, but then I thought it might be better to add them to the notebooks and other personal writing stuff, at least for now. I can always throw them out later.
bonus points to anyone who knows what I said
- My stamp collection. I have a stamp collection?!?!? I had forgotten all about these. Star Wars, Winnie the Pooh, and, get this, PRINCESS DIANA. Stoned college kids need chaperons to open their mail, I guess. I wonder if they are worth anything now.
- Several of The Sister's craft projects from morning latch key which I have RUTHLESSLY thrown away. And feel kind of bad about. Here's a real cute one:
- One of Randy's open mic sign-up cards, cartoon-style. I still miss him. The bastard.
- And because that last one was kind of sad, here is a link to Haikus for Jews, by David M. Bader, excerpts of which I also found in this box today. My favorite is:
Left the door open 
for the Prophet Elijah
Now our cat is gone
I also found a file of sentimementalos from 2004 labeled "Etc." Incidentally, sentimementalos is only six syllables, Jess, but you will probably think it's cool that I just added the word to my browser dictionary. Anyway, it was full of writing and cards and ticket stubs and things I have just tossed into the newly appointed "sentimementalos box" for future digging, because The Sister needs a burrito and I'm ready for a break.
wow. hi. ok. um, yay double envelope action! also, yay for begining to design your *bacon* inspired fingerless mitts...and just reading about tales from the birdbath makes me blush, years later. haha!
oh yeah! ha ha ha... bacon-inspired anything sounds awesome. i can't wait!
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