The to-go pile finally reached an unwieldy size, and I have had to drag all that stuff down the hall and into the dining room. This project started with needing to clear the common spaces of my personal disaster / failure to let go / mess; I'm a little annoyed that I have had to take over the common spaces once again. But it's temporary! And much neater than before! And with the garage sale proceeds I will buy a bottle of whiskey to share with the house! Ok? Ok!?
Clearing some moving-around space in the blue room has me pumped up to tackle huge chunks of this project (not to mention, I feel like I need to get to a stopping point before I can resume the rest of my life). So I cleaned up yesterday's mess and then cleared out the right plastic drawer unit.
yeah, still these
It was quick work. The Sister and I did a major bathroom overhaul a few months back and I emptied most of the unit then. With the second unit empty, I was able to put things away in both sets of drawers: strings, cables, electronic devices (like hand-held tape recorders and voice-modulators), band stickers and merch. I have such a feeling of awesomeness putting things away, in a place where they belong, so that I can use them as needed and not have them fall on my head while looking for other things.
Still, I'm sort of upset to have discovered about a dozen Jen Scaffidi Live on KZSU Stanford EPs, but only because I don't know what to do with them now (we thought they were sold out). Each of the covers is handmade by me or a friend or relative, and many of those left are really cute and fun. Plus the performance is magical (if I do say so myself). If you don't have one and you'd like one, I'd love to send you one. For free. Just for reading this blog. Comment your desire here, make sure I have some contact info for you so I can follow up to get your address, and a little four-song acoustic handcrafted love will be on its way to your mailbox shortly thereafter.
(Of course, if you feel strongly about supporting independent music and you'd like to drop a few bucks in the PayPal account to cover postage, I can help you do that and I will feel very appreciative in the process.)
However, the most exciting thing happening here today is: curtains!
The Sister taught me how to cut and measure (we both failed in the calculations, but that's ok), how to thread the machine, how to actually sew, and how to finish and clean up. I'm so proud of myself, even though my stitches are crooked and the curtains are a little short and the work is, overall, kind of sloppy, because: I made curtains!
new curtains, bad lighting
What else can I sew now?
I like the curtains! They look intentionally short, like high-waters.
Additionally, I would love one of your EPs. I'd be happy to cover postage at least.
your curtains are fabulousness! woo! also: please add a college radio disc to my pile? I have the performance (remember I recorded the stream?) I never bought a cd. :)
thanks, ladies! i am loving them, too. Gina, your disc is in the mail. Jess, you can pick yours when you come and get the rest of your crap and this microscope!
I would like one if you don't mind.
Of course. Would you like to come over and pick one sometime?
I'd love one... just found you and your blog, if their not all gone, or reburied into other boxes, ;) can't wait to see you live. still working a cd? BTW love your music, listening to you while I read your blog. Too cool. Found through a good friend of mines facebook... for some unknown reason, clicked on your picture and saw your site, now I'm hooked. My email is ... if you need contact info.
Troy, nice to meet you! Check your email for instructions on claiming your cd ep.
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