I don't know why so many things come off the rails around the holidays, but they do. Maybe I'm a crazy train? My schedules and projects are in complete disarray, but here I am, January 1, as I promised myself I would be. Let this be an example to the rest of my life to get back where it's all supposed to be!
Resuming this project is a little disheartening. We hosted Thanksgiving this year, so all the potential donation / garage sale items we had been storing in the dining room needed to get out of sight. And the best out-of-sight place in the house is the blue room. I feel a little like I'm back at square one, having to clear this all out again in order to get to the boxes that are as-yet-untouched:
northeast quadrant
southeast quadrant
southwest quadrant
northwest quadrant
(As you can tell, I did not get a fancy new camera for Christmas. I did get The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and I think it's very fortunate that I beat it earlier today so I have free time to get back to important things like blogging and bathing.)
The mess is overwhelming. So I did a small thing today, to get back into the habit without overwhelming myself.
I bought one small container to store fireworks. Teak and I lit a bunch of roman candles and bottle rockets last night, so it seemed an appropriate place to start.
fireworks go here
This weekend we are packing up all the Christmas decorations and I'll be able to put away some of those boxes clogging up the northeast quadrant. Then I guess we'll drag all those donation / garage sale boxes back into the dining room. I'm thinking of renting a small storage unit to hold those boxes until the weather warms enough for actual garage selling, but I'm a girl on a budget, and since I could only afford one new container today, maybe the storage unit is an unreasonable goal.
This year looks to be a year full of setting crazy goals for myself, though, so maybe it'll work out. And while I'm talking about goals and new year things and craziness, let me ask a question: what do you think I should do with my life?
I wanna rock!
Oh, your life. um, rock?
in the immortal words of epictetus: first say to yourself what you would be; then: do what you have to do.
you're a big girl, what brings you the most joy in this world? figure that out, and we'll find a way to monetize it at least well enough to support you in the lifestyle you've grown accustomed to. :)
To quote Joseph Campbell - "Follow your bliss."
thanks for all the tips, guys! one of my goals for 2010 is to ask more questions. i'm hoping to narrow down "do what makes me happy" to something concrete...
Start by visiting beeyooteeful Louisiana!
Then take over the world with rock, goodness, and the bacon of your choice.
There's always going back to school - that whole quest for knowledge (and gainful employment) thing.
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